Wednesday, January 7, 2015

It's Been A While Now...And A New URL

Hey ya'll! It's been SUCH a long while since I have posted through this blog site. Well I am excited to update you with a myriad of some amazing things!

1. I got a NEW URL. It's my very own! Please visit it at
2. The NEW site has so many different things ranging from blog posts dated back to when I first started blogging to a number of new ones! It also has another section of blog posts meant to inspire you in creativity!
3. I have partnered with a couple of other blogs (and have more coming up in the future) to help further the Kingdom of GOD and encourage others in their gifts.
4. I have started TESTIMONY TUESDAY. Send in your testimony to my e-mail to have it featured:
5. And I am SO very pleased to announce that I am in the middle of writing my very first book that I one day hope to have published!!!

I want to take the time to thank all of you for journeying with me through so many different life setbacks and attained goals! Your encouragement has meant so much to me over the years.

Elaina Grace Morgan