Wednesday, January 7, 2015

It's Been A While Now...And A New URL

Hey ya'll! It's been SUCH a long while since I have posted through this blog site. Well I am excited to update you with a myriad of some amazing things!

1. I got a NEW URL. It's my very own! Please visit it at
2. The NEW site has so many different things ranging from blog posts dated back to when I first started blogging to a number of new ones! It also has another section of blog posts meant to inspire you in creativity!
3. I have partnered with a couple of other blogs (and have more coming up in the future) to help further the Kingdom of GOD and encourage others in their gifts.
4. I have started TESTIMONY TUESDAY. Send in your testimony to my e-mail to have it featured:
5. And I am SO very pleased to announce that I am in the middle of writing my very first book that I one day hope to have published!!!

I want to take the time to thank all of you for journeying with me through so many different life setbacks and attained goals! Your encouragement has meant so much to me over the years.

Elaina Grace Morgan

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Operation: Address the Mess

   I arrived home from work and walked into my apartment building only to be greeted by a bird flying almost square into my face last night. I guess that's what happens when you live in the ghetto burbs ha-ha. After that I was finally able to relax, but admittedly not for long. I have my gorgeous, softhearted friend who I haven't seen since last year coming into town this weekend. My apartment wasn't ready for company and my schedule is pretty much booked for the rest of the week. There was a small trail of clothes starting at the front door that led to my bathroom. There were magazines, mail, and newspapers forming a club on my coffee table. The way my shoes trickled out of my closet, and the way the sleeves on my shirts seemed to be reaching out for my attention would have had you believe that there were surely monsters in there. I was exhausted. Surprisingly, my kitchen sink was empty.

    I couldn't help but look at next month's schedule after that: my brother coming into town, a bridal shower, a bacherolette party, a mixer, two weddings, another wedding the next month, you name it. I dared not complain though because there once was a time where I probably complained about being bored. In fact, I'm actually looking forward to all of these fun filled events and cannot wait to reach each weekend, and hopefully with grace. Here's where I started to get things a little twisted: I was dwelling too much on what I have to do to get ready for these events and not enough on slowing down so that I will be able to enjoy them. As I look back, I am reminded of the Bible story about Mary and Martha. 

    Martha was so consumed in making everything perfect for Jesus while Mary sat at His feet and enjoyed His presence. My problem wasn't that I was not spending enough time with God. My problem was I wasn't spending quality time with God by basking in and enjoying His company throughout the day. Because of this I was worrying and full of anxiety instead of resting and putting my trust in Jesus. I know that the only way I can deal with the problems that I face and the busyness of life is by spending my time in His presence so that He can heal my pain and give me rest so I can recharge. While I spend time in His presence He reveals to me my true state and truthfully, it's not where I want to be. I yearn for so much more. I want to get to know Him deeper. I want to have a divine revelation of His love. I want to understand His power more and more. I want to be a dedicated slave to Jesus. I want to obey. I want to be content in my circumstances, but not in my relationship with Him. I want more.

So today I will relay the word that the Lord gave me this morning for you all:

Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS, again I say rejoice! No matter what you're struggling with, no matter what temptations grab for your attention, no matter the busyness of your schedule or the lack thereof, no matter your circumstances - good or bad, no matter your home life, no matter your work situation, no matter your social "status" REJOICE. There is a shift that takes place in the atmosphere and in our thoughts when we give Him thanks instead of complaints. You can do this today. I believe in you and most importantly Jesus believes in you.

    You see, beloved, as we put our trust in Him to do the work in us it starts to happen. We come to a place where we learn to fully rely on God and not on our own efforts. We have to address the mess and realize that the only one who can truly free us is Jesus. This is where we arrive at a place where we can successfully advance to what He has for us next because we are willing to deal with the now. For example, you can't arrive at your destination safely without taking your car to a mechanic to get your oil changed, to have someone come and change your flat tire, or to have a mechanic check under the hood for any underlying problems. We don't just stop the car and quit. We don't just trust that the car won't break down or that the problems won't grow bigger when there are already red flags. Therefore, we stop being stagnant and come to the realization that God already has the solution to every single situation. We give it to Him and realize that we CAN face each and every day with exuberance. We see that we can be sassy in the Spirit and that with authority we can tell Satan to stick that in his juice-box and suck it. We see things for what they are, the importance of the state of our hearts above all else and the ability of God to reform, restore, and transform us into strong soldiers in God's army. So again I say, "REJOICE!"

2 Timothy 2:3 - "Endure suffering along with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus."

1 Corinthians 1:29 - " that no man may boast before God."

Philippians 4:4 - "Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice!"

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Religious Versus Jesus

Religious Versus Jesus

By: Elaina Grace Morgan

It's funny how "Christians" call you super religious
 Just because your life is so focused on Jesus.
 You see, I lost everything that I thought was important to me,
Yet I gained so much more walking into that mysterious door.
 It made me realize that this life ain't truly worth living
 If I'm sitting around thinking 
About my selfish reasons for sinning...
And it ain't truly freedom if I'm still not changed,
 Yet I'm allowing myself to be sin.
 Really seriously now, ponder what I'm saying.
 What's the point of life if I ain't livin?
 You see, I'm actually glad that I lost everything because now there's nothing in between...
Him and me. 
Nothing holding me back. 
Nothing getting me off track. 
So if this is the definitive for religious and legalistic..
Then your superlatives are wrong,
 Cuz homie, your definitions should be strong.
 I promote being logical, lyrical, and original.
 I don't promote being...
 And a foundation ain't conditioned if it's shaky
And honey, if that's your definition then your definitions are definitely gettin quaky.

Thursday, April 10, 2014



By: Elaina Grace Morgan

#Throwback to a time when
Wrinkles and lines belonged in your clothes
 And when the only thing that you would have your nose..and dandelions,
 When starting over meant beginning with...A-B-C...
When watch out for that weed meant it was in the middle of grass,
 Not something that you'd see in your boyfriend's hands,
 Pressuring you...
When recess meant you got to go and play your little heart away,
Not when it meant a period of time when activity in a court of law...
Slow down.
 There once was a time when we wished to be older,
But now that the world spun...
And it's gotten colder
Do we wish that we could have taken a nap on mother's shoulders...
Instead we take the world upon our own shoulders...
 And this is why our Heavenly Father...
Tells us to receive the kingdom of God like a little child
Full of life discovering new wonders,
 Innocent, and pure.

(The First Grade)

Too Many Fish in the Sea

    This is for all the single people who are always told, "There's plenty of fish in the sea." Truthfully, I'm one of the people who never really cared about romantic relationships in the realm that they weren't something I needed in my life. That's my problem; even though I have been in more relationships than I care to admit, I didn't care to understand them and I guess it took getting hit on this week by a 40 something year old "Christian", a girl, and a co-worker who is a little confused on what he believes for me to actually start caring and realizing that I should seek more of an understanding about relationships. I would have rather done without these awkward moments and somehow my backhanded nos don't seem sufficient enough for those situations. I really try to avoid them like a plague because they're so uncomfortable to me. I should not feel bad though for the beliefs that I hold onto: my belief in God, my belief in Jesus, and my belief in the Bible.

    However, I don't want to talk about everything that's biblically wrong with those three instances. Instead, I want to talk about when you know the one is "the one". I'm going to be honest in saying that I personally don't know if there is "the one" and would love to find out if there is, but I do know that when it's the right one you will be at peace but it's so much more than that. You can find the picture perfect man or woman who has everything, and I don't mean just in the physical realm; I mean they can take care of your emotional, mental, and maybe even spiritual needs, but if their God given purpose is not somehow parallel with yours then one of you two will end up sacrificing what God called you to do. There is also the big factor of being unequally yoked.

    2 Corinthians 6:14 says, "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?" My thoughts on this verse are that it goes further than being unequally yoked with an unbeliever. I believe you can be unequally yoked with a believer these days as well. We cannot pick and choose from the Bible what we want to believe; and unfortunately we have a lot of lukewarm believers who believe they can do that, but that's the exact thing that they are - simply believers and not doers. They have no substance and are weak in their faith. Revelation 3:16 says, "So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth." That is a bold statement, beloveds. We either obey Him or we perish, simple as that.

    So boldly put, not everyone is on the same path as you and they will end up pulling you away, intentionally or unintentionally from your relationship with God and your individual purpose. They are not on the same page and frankly, are not God's will for your life as a mature Christian. It will be the wreck of you if you try to make it so. Know that there wouldn't be a heaven if there were no hell, honey. Matthew 7:14 says that the road is narrow and there are very few people who find it. I'm sure that this also dwindles down any option of who you might think is "the one". Thank God. I have one last thought that I want to pose: Most of the time we pray asking God about things, but we forget that a lot of times His answer, instruction, and direction was already given. It's called the Bible, and how many of us who say that we're Christians actually read it and use it? So does what your potentials say and live match the Word of God? If the answer is no then honey, know that God's got better for you and that it will definitely be worth the wait.