Wednesday, November 2, 2011


    As I wrote in my previous entry forgiving is forgetting. It might have been misunderstood and perhaps I wasn't clear in the point I was trying to make so I'm going to expound some more. It has to do with so much more than just forgetting about what had happened in order to forgive. It is more profound than that. Yes, we are supposed to forget so that we can forgive. Let me explain: we forget about our mistakes, the wrong we have done, and the wrong other people have done toward us to an extent.

    What I mean by "to an extent" is that we don't forget with a blind eye. You wouldn't leave a bank robber alone with five hundred dollars of your very own money. We forget by not bringing the situation back up and rubbing it in someone else's face. Relating to being able to forget about something wrong you have done means not beating yourself up about it and not letting it bring you down. Instead we remember it in a sense of letting it make you a better person or protecting yourself from making the same mistakes.

    We wouldn't keep putting ourselves in a situation where someone keeps wronging us. We can forgive them and let it go, but not make ourselves susceptible to becoming a victim once again. It really can be a touchy subject and you have to be wise, but when in doubt you take it to God, see what His Word says, and you pray and ask for wisdom to help guide you in the matter you are facing. We wouldn't want to make ourselves vulnerable to situations that would throw us right back to where we started so taking it to God is the number one step you should take.

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