Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Take Captive

    Sometimes we get so caught up in our emotions that we let them control us. We let them be the deciding factor for what we say and believe about ourselves. That's pretty dangerous! Our feelings often lie to us and when we aren't conscious to the fact that they do that then we start believing those lies. I'm sure every single one of you have felt at some point that nobody loves you, cares, or is there for you. I sure have felt that way several times in my life, but then we start to dwell on those lies and then they become a reality for us. As Christians we need to identify these false declarations that we let into our hearts and minds and remember what God's word says. 2 Corinthians 10:5 states, "We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ," and that verse not only goes for what you're speaking into your life, but it also goes for what others speak into your life.

    Other people's opinions of you do not define who you are. When someone says something that cuts you deep take it to God and ask Him what He thinks about you. Remind yourself that YOU are a child of the Most High and that He cares for you. He hurts when you're hurting. He grieves when you grieve. He created YOU and He loves YOU. Remind yourself of the truth that has been written in His book. He said for us to take every thought captive. He didn't say only the ones that  hurt a lot or only the ones that people would give you a crazy look if they ever found out what was going through your head. We all go through this and we often beat ourselves up or start believing the enemies lies. Here's a reminder for you: they're called lies for a reason! They aren't the truth! Praise God. Anything that does not line up with His Word is not from Him. If you look up to someone because they're in an authoritative position but they're not speaking life into you then take captive your thoughts and look to the one who DOES give life! Be encouraged.

    It's so very important to cheer ourselves on just as much as we're supposed to cheer each other on. We're brothers and sisters in Christ and we should be lifting one another up instead of tearing one another down. Do not let your lone focus be on someone else to help you with what you're going through because only God can truly change someone from the inside out. People will fail you, but take control and don't fail yourself by not seeking help. Get an accountability partner, but let your main focus be on the Lord. Don't beat yourself up and tell yourself you'll never be free if you're struggling with sin. Hide His word in your heart so that you can recognize when lies come creeping up on you. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says, "No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is FAITHFUL, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it." Start believing in yourself. You can do it and you can be free by the power of the Holy Spirit. You say you believe in God, but I wonder do you trust Him?


  1. First off, good stuff. I mean REALLY good stuff.
    Second, one of my favorite verses in the Bible is in 1 Samuel when King David has to "Strengthen himself in the Lord." I think many times we try to blame our lack of relationship with God on other people. We also try to blame us not growing, our own battle with depressions, or times of darkness on others because they are reaching out to us. As Christians, we are called to have such a relationship with God that we actually strengthen our self in Him. The problem is we tend to look to people or things to do that which make all of our problems worse. We have to take responsibility for ourselves and our relationship with God.
    That being said, we also do have a responsibility to each other in faith to uplift and strengthen each other. Isn't what that church is for? I found this post and i wanted to share it.
    The Bible tells us we need to attend church so we can worship God with other believers and be taught His Word for our spiritual growth ( The Bible tells us we need to attend church so we can worship God with other believers and be taught His Word for our spiritual growth (Acts 2:42; Hebrews 10:25). Church is the place where believers can love one another (1 John 4:12), encourage one another (Hebrews 3:13), “spur” one another (Hebrews 10:24), serve one another (Galatians 5:13), instruct one another (Romans 15:14), honor one another (Romans 12:10), and be kind and compassionate to one another (Ephesians 4:32).

    God is faithful to be there for us when we turn to Him. We just must remember to turn to Him when we go through those things and have faith even when we don't hear our response.

    Sorry that I when off on my little tangent. Like I said, really good word girl!

  2. Love it! I hope to see many churches changing their judgemental mentality and to see them start doing just that! A little encouragement goes a long way!
