Lonely Hearts
By: Elaina Grace Morgan
At night when we're laying in bed
Staring up at the ceiling,
A blank canvas
In a room full of loneliness,
In the day when we're shopping for what to dress in next,
Whatever others think looks best,
Our bodies being another canvas
To address,
When we arrive home to a meaningless kiss,
Some experiencing the weight of heartlessness,
From being selfishly undressed
Causing us to think that we're not worth the respect,
Or when we go out with friends
Trying to mend or depend on them,
Causing us to remember a deep sea of forgetfulness..
When we shouldn't
Or how about when we see our family on Christmas,
Faking a smile when we're really depressed
Yet our focus is on striving to impress..whoever shows up at the door next
And by that time we've learned how to suppress it.
Well what if I told you an addiction to approval and attention
From external things and obligations
Won't fill your emptiness?
That only Jesus can fill the void of your aloneness?
Because truth is..
We all will pass away:
People, places, things
So it is only to our Saviour, the King of Kings that we cling.
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