Tuesday, December 20, 2011


    God has a purpose for our lives. So why is it so hard for us to get in tune with God so that we may be able to know what His purpose is for our lives? It's because we're impatient, stubborn, lost, broken, unsure, disonnected, hurt, or several of these interwoven together, or something totally different than what I have mentioned. All of those are our reasons, our setbacks, our excuses because we don't see the goodness of His plan for our lives when in reality our plans are only going to hurt us or delay us. It puts us in a position where we could miss out on something He is telling us when His intent has never been to hurt us or confuse us, but to guide us into better decisions and greater things than anything we would have ever dreamed for ourselves.

    God is a BIG God and there is no way his dreams for our lives are ever going to be little or just average and even if His plans aren't what we expected for our lives it is not because He is out to get us, drive us insane, or make anxiety pierce through our hearts. It is because He has something already in store for us whether we can see it or not. There is beauty in the mystery of not knowing where you're headed because it produces a faith that can't be compared to anything else. The greatest elected are normally the least expected, but a lot of us just keep running from God and we all have our different reasons for it.

    Those reasons may be because we are not able to see our worth when we're worth so much. They may be because we are chasing something else when God is chasing us or we may be disconnected because we were hurt. We may be too afraid to step forward when all we're trying to do is protect ourselves. We may be getting rejected all because that rejection is God's way protecting us from something we do not see. We may be getting neglected because it's His way of telling us He will always acept us. We may be hearing no, no, no because it's His way of telling us that His timing is better or He has something else for us. We may feel like we're walking alone, but really the footprints were His because He carried us. God transforms our pain into gain even if we have been running.

    Just because we've ran away for so long doesn't mean He can't use us anymore. One day He'll use it to help others along if we let Him. I can be one of the most stubborn people in the world and some things have taken me way longer to get through my head than others because it usually was I wanted what I wanted and tried to pretend I didn't care about what He wanted, but every single time I turn back to God because I know He is what I really am looking for, not because it's easy because it sure hasn't been. You have to get over the pessimism all over again after escaping a situation like problematic ones of your past that you've gotten out of by choice, rejection, or compulsion. No matter what way you absconded the matter God can still use you.

    You may feel like the trash you've done is too abhorrent to be looked over or used, but that's not true. We have to believe that He can deliver us so that He may direct us where we're supposed to go. We have to be congruous to what He has for us. We need to listen. We need to trust in Him for what we're looking for. When we are looking for answers He won't ignore us. He will answer us in His timing with His answer. It may not be what we expected, but He is starting to point us in the direction we are supposed to walk. As long as we are continuing towards Him we are already in His will and that's when he will start revealing things to us.

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