Friday, October 21, 2011


    Church is a good thing, don't get me wrong, but when it comes to lofty glances however you may feel different about it. You make one mistake and then all of a sudden you are viewed as the church whore. I know the way God views me. He does not define me from the mistakes I've made. He does not scold me for making irrational choices. I am His child. You are His child whether you accept it or not. He is just waiting patiently for you to run in to His open most loving arms.

    My name is Elaina Grace Morgan and this is my blog. I dare to say the things that most people would be too afraid to. I'm speaking my mind. I happen to be a PK. PK - no, not a Prideful Kid or always on my Praying Knees or Popcorn...Kernels? - a pastor's kid, I'm a pastors kid who has been mistaken for someone I'm not. Being a pastor's kid does not define me at all. Being a PK people randomly assume I pray all the time, read my Bible every hour, sing hymns in my car, and say "God Bless You" to everyone I meet. "Oh Holy Lord!! I pray to thee!!" Heck no, I'm only human. I miss a prayer before meals at times and forget to read my Bible somedays just like anyone else does. Does this mean I'm any less righteous?

    Who knows? What I do know is I love God and God loves me DESPITE my past and sometimes I lose sight of that because I let other people blind me. Notice that I said "I" let people blind me. I let them blind me with shoving my past back into my face, looking at me with pity, and even treating me as I do not belong. Why is the church established? It is established so that sinners may come to the cross and grow in their relationship with God. I need not let them push me away from where I belong which is at the foot of the cross; a place where I am accepted for who I am or who I was and forgiven for my past or present. I definitely have had my past and my share of secrets.

    But hasn't everybody? Just because I made one mistake in the past does not mean I'll make it in the future and even if I do it isn't anybody else's business. It's between God and me. My business is not other people's business unless I involve them in it and I'm sure most people would agree to that if they were thinking about their own business. So why do we feel as if we have a right to be involved in other people's?

    Church people make mistakes as much as those who don't go. Like I mentioned church people can be the most judgemental people you meet or they can be the kindest people you meet. It all depends on the person you meet and your point of view. It has nothing to do with whether you go to church or not; whether you're male or female; or even whether you're black, white, Asian, Latino, or mixed. I'm not bashing church. I am simply stating that it is not our job to judge others. It is God's job and God's job alone.

    Let us look upon our lives instead of others; view and examine our own hearts instead of others; "look at the plank in our own eye before pointing out the speck in someone else's."

To be continued..

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