Monday, July 29, 2013

Doormat Turned Tapestry

    In the past I've had several instances where my family, friends, and some now ex-boyfriends treated me less than the way they would have wanted to be treated. So how could this happen to me? Treat others the way you want to be treated; that's the golden rule, right? Well then we get caught up in the mindset that we should treat them how we want to be treated and that means continually allowing them back into our lives again and again and again and again until we're so broken that we can't even function. We become stuck in a rut, but that's what forgiving someone means, right? Nope.

    God doesn't want you to be a doormat. He doesn't want you to be someone who won't stand up for themselves or someone who doesn't speak truth regarding whatever the situation is at hand. Hypothetically if someone kicked you in the leg over and over and over then eventually you're not going to be able to walk and if you can't walk how are you going to be able to reach the place you were meant to reach?  It's hard to believe someone is truly sorry when they go back to doing the same thing they were doing before. I came across a really great quote today from Booker T. Washington - "You can't hold a man down without staying down with him." Maybe you aren't the person holding someone down, but maybe you're letting someone hold you down and it's keeping you from everything God has for you.

    You may have thought that you were putting them first. At least that was what I was thinking in the situations I've been in, but in reality you're destroying both you and the person who may be (intentionally or unintentionally) keeping you from the gift God wants to give you. Putting others first does not mean letting people walk all over you. You're God's creation. You were made for a greater purpose than being a doormat. You were made as a tapestry. You are an exquisite, rich design that is meant to be cherished, loved, and admired so that you point to the magnificent, omnipotent Creator.

    God doesn't want His daughter or son to be lead down a path that ends in destruction for you and the person who is treating you unfairly. I'm not telling you to not forgive the people in your life who hurt you and I'm not telling you to leave everyone who hurts you behind, but discretion is advised. Keep in mind that your exit from their life could be their entrance into God's kingdom. You are then guarding your heart and letting God deal with that person in a healthy way and in some cases an even more healthy way if they've been relying on you to be the one that heals them. We should, however, always love one another and be gracious even if it means at a distance. I'll leave you with these words: Evaluate closely the relationships you're hanging onto. Forgive, forget, love, and know when to let go of control.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Until Then

Until Then

By: Elaina Grace Morgan

I can't wait for the day
Oh my soul You'll take..
 Away from this cold, dark place.
I am Yours and You are mine
And I can't wait to see the fullness of love divine,

But sometimes the things I ask you to remove..
Are the very things You've meant for me to walk through
So I can be refined in the fire 
Of the Holy Spirit
So that I not only have the desire..
I can live it..

To bring others to You
By sharing what I've gone through.
So Father, help me to be wise,
Not in my own eyes.
But save me from the pride..
Of strife.
Even when others are wrong it is YOU who's right.
I don't have to defend myself because You are my defender..

My rights I surrender.
I render it all to You
Because I know You..
Will indicate I am worth it
And vindicate me as You see fit.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Death To Religion

Death To Religion

By: Elaina Grace Morgan

Guys starin'
Life's barren.
Looking for strong arms to do my carryin'.
My world's a dirty turn key.
Come in and out as you please.
Are you kidding me?
I'll play your games not because I'm lookin' for love.
I'm lookin' for fun.
I know better.
I'm just caught up with what's underneath that sweater.

Truth is I got so sick and tired of poppin' pills.
Wanted to forget how I feel.
I was always real,
An open book for those who even cared to take a look.
I was hooked.
Yeah, daddy's a pastor,
But I ain't got green pastures.
Mama told me I was mental.
Church folks were judgmental.
All I needed was somebody to be gentle.

Well I was not born this way.
Other people tryin' to make me think I had gone crazy.
Sick of hearin' so I'd be blarin' Jay-Z.
To numb myself from right and wrong.
Destroyed and broken with no home.
All I wanted was a place to call my home.

Fast forward..
Moving towards
The one day that year where I spoke the only prayer I prayed.
"God help me."
Well He answered in a different way.
If you know me now
I've come a long way from then.
I believe in Jesus and it wasn't because of them.
I've gone onto eternal life 
'Cause I died to my flesh
Instead of living for my flesh
To reach eternal death.