Friday, January 31, 2014

Cry Of My Heart

Cry Of My Heart

By: Elaina Grace Morgan

Until I reach the promise land
Don't..let go of my hand
Mold me into an iron band
So many temptations I will withstand..
Because of You.

Do you see me here..
Drawing near..
Crying deep oceans,
Tears yearning for more devotion,
Bearing past all my emotions
I keep perse-vering through..

Holding onto You..
 I praise..You past the pain
Because of the sovereignty of Your reign..
Waiting here in the rain..
I'm kneeling amazed.

So come while I wade in the water..
Come and cleanse Your daughter
Come hell or high water
Make me bold like a martyr..
And author my steps.

Monday, January 27, 2014

It's Okay To Cry

It's Okay To Cry

By: Elaina Grace Morgan

God knows every tear you've already cried,
The reason why,
The pain you've tried so hard to hide.
He knows.
It's okay to cry.

He knows the feelings you've tried to subside,
The trauma that you've internalized,
Every single escape from Him that you've tried.
Honey, He knows.
It's okay to cry.

He knows every feeling of worthlessness stemming from your insecurities,
Every heartbeat stolen by your anxiety,
Every yearn and plead for some security.
He knows.
It's okay to cry.

He knows your feelings of inferiority,
The places of your vulnerability,
The deepest cries of your heart that want to experience purity.
Honey, He knows.
It's okay to cry.

So fall to your knees desperately,
Cry out earnestly,
Sing a song expressing your calamity,
And raise your hands in honesty
Then praise the God Almighty
And brace yourself!
Because you're about to feel..FREE!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Lonely Hearts

Lonely Hearts
By: Elaina Grace Morgan

At night when we're laying in bed
 Staring up at the ceiling,
A blank canvas
In a room full of loneliness,

In the day when we're shopping for what to dress in next,
Whatever others think looks best,
Our bodies being another canvas
To address,

When we arrive home to a meaningless kiss,
Some experiencing the weight of heartlessness,
From being selfishly undressed
Causing us to think that we're not worth the respect,

Or when we go out with friends
Trying to mend or depend on them,
Causing us to remember a deep sea of forgetfulness..
When we shouldn't

Or how about when we see our family on Christmas,
Faking a smile when we're really depressed
Yet our focus is on striving to impress..whoever shows up at the door next
And by that time we've learned how to suppress it.

Well what if I told you an addiction to approval and attention
From external things and obligations
Won't fill your emptiness?
That only Jesus can fill the void of your aloneness?

Because truth is..
We all will pass away:
People, places, things
So it is only to our Saviour, the King of Kings that we cling.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Real Romance

    Sadly heartbreak is a phenomenon you can't escape no matter your denomination, social status, or race. It's something I'm all too familiar with like a lot of people are. We all know heartbreak is inevitable. You can be 23 and you could have never had your first kiss and you still can say you have gone through some sort of heartbreak. Perhaps your dreams were crushed, your daughter or son passed away, you lost your job, or you are going through a divorce. Whatever it is that makes it hard to go to sleep at night and get out of bed in the morning is what I would define as a heartbreak.

    Maybe you think your life is perfect and you are just living young, wild, and free. The reality however, is that we all need Jesus whether life is a roller coaster or a smooth ride. Asking Jesus into our hearts and consistently examining whether we're really saved or not is so very important. This will be a more perfect parallel for those of you who are married or in a relationship, but still extremely important for those of you who aren't. Do you love Him? If you said yes then I am assuming that you are praying and communicating with Him. I am assuming you are spending time getting to know Him more through reading your Bible. Here is a verse that has been deeply treasured in my heart this last week: 1 John 4:18 - "There is no fear in love, but perfect loves casts out fear."

    The rest of what I have to say to you today is short, but powerful. Really ponder this one, precious children of God.

    God has been growing me in the area of my relationships lately. I can't remember a time where I went into a relationship being friends first except for once way back when. I rushed and was rushed. This caused a lot of fear in my heart. I was in these relationships physically, but not wholeheartedly because of this. I spent most of my time in fear than in love, but with Jesus this is impossible to even do. He's patient with us. He's perfect. He has the ability to cast out that fear. The depth of confidence in the Lord results in commitment. The height of trust in the Lord leads to perseverance in all circumstance. What a beautiful picture this is. He waits for you and in that period of time you can see all the other wonderful characteristics of God. It is faithfulness that casts out fear for love is faithful. Are you faithful to Him? Do you love Him?

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Dangers of Dabbling With Demons

    So for a while I have been contemplating about whether or not I should post what I am about to post because I knew I was going to get a lot of backfire and accusations in return for it as well as people telling me I haven't forgiven and so on and so forth, but after spending some time with my sweet Savior I feel led to move past what people think. HE has something to say through all of this, and I would have to say that the thing I struggled with most was lust. As most of my consistent readers know I was introduced to masturbation at nine years old. It became an addiction that if I didn't partake in it, then I wouldn't be able to go to sleep until maybe about 2 and sometimes 3 in the morning. I experienced the Holy Spirit for the first time in 2010. It became all too real for me for the first time in my life. It wasn't my parents' faith, it wasn't my friends' faith; it was my faith. It was personal now, me and Jesus.
    I was FREE from an addiction I had for ten years just like that. You see it's still something I struggle with at times though the power of prayer, the power of COMMUNICATING with the Son of God makes it easy to say no to. I fell several times since then particularly one relationship a year ago that I went into. I was free from this addiction for months when I woke up masturbating one night. I felt absolutely, utterly DISGUSTED. I look back at it with a new perspective on spiritual warfare and now I see that it was a demonic spirit that I had let into my life through this relationship. If that wasn't a good enough example for you later in that relationship I opened the door to Satan through sin which is the abode of demonic activity. (I'm SO glad I am free from these spirits now! :-))
    You see sex is more than just a physical exchange. It is a spiritual exchange. Mark 10:8 - "...and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh." What fellowship does the dark have with the light!? NONE. It is easier for someone to pull you down than it is for you to pull them up especially when lust is involved. In God's Word adultery is spoken about A LOT. I believe it is Satan's main choice of weapon especially in this day and age. Like I said when you sleep with somebody it is a spiritual exchange. Whatever they are dealing with in the spiritual realm you will start to experience and yes, sleeping with demons is possible. (Genesis 6) Towards the end of that relationship I started dealing with spirits that I had never dealt with before. Right now I am trying to be wise about the depth of what I share about this so I pray that from what I am sharing you all will see the importance of this warning.
The Dangers of Dabbling With Demons and Sitting With Satan:
    1. Death. (We know the wages of sin is death. When you dabble with demons you will have more close calls to it as you have stepped out from under the hand of God's protection for your own desires. I experienced many close calls when I was sitting in this kind of sin of disobedience by not running from it where death tried to grab me. Of course God has more power than Satan and demons combined could ever have. Satan is not God's equal. Every knee WILL bow and every tongue WILL confess HE is Lord.)
    2. Feelings of being stuck. (The reality is you are stuck if you're trying to get out from under this influence in your own strength. Cry out to God and ask Him for help. Ask earnestly!)
    3. Things that don't make sense. (I had an incidence where I was sitting in my car on the way home at a stoplight playing my Jesus music one day and the lady who was next to me at the stoplight rolled down her window and started screaming at me pounding the side of her SUV. I also had an experience when I was in jail because of this relationship where two girls who I also sensed demons in were making fun of this man next to me having a seizure and then they stopped and looked at me and started whispering. It was one of those things where you could just sense it. My Bible had disappeared a couple months into that relationship. I looked for it all over. After I ended that relationship I found my Bible right in one of the places I had looked.)
    4. Change of behavior. (When you are living in the will of God your fruits will match up, but when you step out of it your fruit becomes rotten. I became someone who wasn't the person I had been before when I was living in the presence of Jesus.)
    5. Division. (God recently had restored the relationship I had with my family back then and when this spirit was let in it sowed seeds of division and we started to divide and collapse. Satan is the head over dividing and conquering.)
    6. Deceit. (Things won't line up constantly. Keep in mind that I say constantly.)
    7. Disconnecting grace and the law of righteousness. (I heard many times, "God's grace is sufficient"  being abused and used as a means to manipulate and keep me stuck in the sin I was partaking in. I was called religious for wanting to live righteous. Do not let anybody tell you that...ever. Walking with Jesus is walking in righteousness.)
    Above all be on watch. STAY PRAYED UP. Demons are REAL. Ask God for discernment. Hide your heart in His Word so that you may be able to do so. TEST THE SPIRITS. Always, always take God's Word over man's. Please. This is so very, very important and vital to the body of Christ. If you need any clarification or you have any questions or comments please leave them below or e-mail me at:
I would love to talk to you and pray for you.