Thursday, October 27, 2011


    Hello again, so many things on my mind keep stirring in my head. I'm going to write what is bothering me most however because I think everyone should read this with an open heart. I'm writing this in a light mannered position, yet I'm being serious because it isn't something to mess with. Assumptions get you into trouble. Assuming people do things for a reason that you think or an appearance that you see is outrageous. I've had this problem too. I'm sure not all sugar and spice, but I'm working on viewing others in a new light instead of the cynical, jumping to conclusions manner that once had been a problem for me. Maybe your assumption is true. Maybe one person is doing something for attention.

    Is it our job to scrutinize them? No, it isn't. Maybe that person doesn't have a great home life, their mother or father beat them, they are ignored and made fun off, people gossip and make assumptions just like you did, or maybe they just want to feel loved. In my previous entry I mentioned that we are not the ones in charge of judging others. I still stand by that firmly. Assumptions hurt people and I am pretty sure no one would want another assuming that you do the things you do just to get attention or that you portray yourself the way you do as if you have a materialization that you don't. As not only a church kid, but a pastors kid I have been the victim of scrutiny as I'm sure everybody has been.

    Stopping this starts with yourself. I choose to stop myself before making an assumption about somebody else before I know what is really going on underlying in their heart. Their intentions may be good; they may be bad, but who are we to say? Let me say that if you really want to know what is going on then you would take the time to listen to their story which they may gladly tell or they may not and if they don't then you have to learn to be okay with that. It's their life. They are being who they want to be for the reasons they may or may not want. Stopping this starts with yourself, if you don't want it then don't make someone else's life harder by being selfish or indignant.

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