Thursday, December 20, 2012



By: Elaina Grace Morgan

If you be preachin'
And you be teachin'
And you ain't livin'
You best be leavin'
'Cause they don't need hypocrisy.
This is not a democracy
'Cause right and wrong are declared by the word of my God.

His discipline is more severe than the rod.
He knows your heart,
But continuing in your sin is gonna tear you apart.
And He'll give you a new start,
But if you keep on seducin'
You'll keep on producin'
Rotten fruit.
Send you further than Beirut.
Turn from your trash.
'Cause the day you die your idols ain't gonna last.

Your life is screamin' Gucci, Louis, Fendi, Prada..
But your mouth is singin' I got nada.
And then what your speakin' is the truth,
But your life ain't livin' proof.
You know Satan's plan is to deceive ya and lead ya to the gates of hell.
So watch out for these hypocrites for real..
'Cause there's no cutting deals 
When it's all said and done.
And whatcha gonna say?
I was just livin' for fun.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Love Like Christ


By: Elaina Grace Morgan

Not hypothetical
The hardest of obstacles.
Promises great harvests...
Even in the hardest.

A love unconditional
Going deeper every day,
Not superficial only on weekdays.
But on weak days it fights to be stronger than before
Instead of giving in deciding you don't want it anymore.

A love that casts out fear was a love that endeared.
Love is patient.
Love is kind.
Love is loyal not looking to find...
Temptations, abominations.

Love is more than a monotone recitation
Or some silly citation.
It's deeper than relation.
Love protects.
It doesn't expect...

Others to be perfect.
But love corrects out of another's benefit.
Love always hopes.
Love always trusts.
Love perseveres...

Love adheres
In sickness and in health,
In poverty and in wealth.
Love never fails.
No matter what it entails
Love will prevail.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Back in January of 2011

    As frustration gripped me at the heart I began to fall. I began to fall faster. I began to fall deeper...
Back in January of 2011...

"You're making me so tense.
Troubling worry.
Sickening suspense.
Lurking in the shadows
Armed with defense.
Waiting to grab me
Fear dispensed.
Outside drury.
Raindrops condensed
Running down my cheek.
Tears like a river
Flowing endlessly.
Hurts like a sliver
Digging deep into me.
My heart quivers
Like I'm shaking from the cold.
Frequent shivers
Trying to warm my soul."
    ...And yet God got me through it all. Through the pain He still knew every tear that I cried.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Beautiful Desperation

Beautiful Desperation

By: Elaina Grace Morgan
I want to keep His face in mind,
The One who died on the cross to life,
I surrender everything..that I have.
I surrender everything..
That I am.
I lay down my life
To glorify
 The One who saved me,
The One who bled for me
To be free.
I can't do this on my own,
For it is Him to all I owe.
Though I'm weary and burdened,
Tired and worn.
I know the pain doesn't end when you're re-born.
So I dream of heaven where no one mourns.
But I choose to praise this storm.
He is be adored
And I find beauty in my desperation
The veil..has been torn,
No more seperation.
So I hope in heaven.
A wondrous desitination,
Free from pain.
Though the growth from this rain,
 Is beautiful
So in this life I'll choose to be..joyful.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Temptation, What?

    Most of you who read my blog are following me on twitter and joining the movement that is taking place to spread the truth about the enemy's lies and plans to weasel his way into your lives one slimy little finger at a time. I have found that insecurity and greed are often the root problems causing people to fall into sexual sin. You first think your problems are small. A few negative words spoken over your life won't cause too much harm or will it? I've heard several people's stories and even taking my own into account I found that insecurity was the source of their issues. It all starts around; let's say the sixth grade and for some it starts earlier. There are kids making fun of you or your parents are saying you will never mount up to anything and so you make your first mistake. You let those words cut you deep.

    You take them to heart and start looking for acceptance in all the wrong places. We'll use my biggest struggle as an example. In fourth grade I overheard these girls talking about how much fun they had at this birthday party. These were the same girls I invited a month earlier to mine and I felt hurt that I hadn't been invited. I listened into what they were talking about and it was then where I was introduced to masturbation. At nine years old I didn't know what it was, but I then went home to later "experiment" so that I would feel accepted, but as I experimented I learned a new feeling - the feeling of greed. It made ME feel good. I felt remorse after, but I never heard it talked about in the church. As time went on it had become an addiction, an addiction that had a death grip on my life for many, many years. I couldn't sleep without it and as I got older it wasn't satisfying enough for me. I wanted to be loved, loved in all of the wrong places that is.

    All of my relationships started out as a few months of getting to know each other and then that went out the door and the relationships found a new foundation to be built upon - sex. With the first guy I would never let myself go all the way. I still felt remorse. I didn't want that in the relationship, but I couldn't stop it because I was pulled in two different directions. One direction told me this is wrong, the other lied to me saying this is love and that I want to feel "good." As I broke free from that relationship after too many fights and broken hearted nights I eventually found myself in another. It started out innocent like the first, but again a couple months later I was in the same situation as the first and a couple months after that I was in deeper. I felt pressured to give myself away, but as I engaged more and more in sex I began to numb myself to life around me so that I didn't have to feel. As a couple months passed several areas in my life crumbled at my feet. I began to become even more severely depressed than I already was and I was so stressed I developed many sicknesses and I had lost several pounds that I needed.

    I had become hysterical when that boyfriend had broken up with me right before my birthday. I had already lost all of my family and friends and here I felt as if I had no one left. I had always hung onto a quote I had made up back when I was going through hard times previously: "If you feel as if you have nothing left, remember that you still have hope." Here I was still bounded by lust and for the first time in my life I didn't even feel like I had hope left. After getting into another toxic relationship and that one also burning to the ground I had given up. Slowly but surely I got back onto the right course - the straight and narrow. I was pulled by a friend I was living with and then as life went along I felt a little more like myself, but it was painful. I had numbed myself from so much and hadn't dealt with anything that all of it came flooding back to me at once. I was still dealing with sexual addictions, but I had gained hope. I was then pushed by another friend and I found myself in the word and praying to God once again. It wasn't easy. I didn't want to do it, but He broke the chains after I learned of His strength and the authority that he had given me.

    I had hope and I began to recognize the game of the enemy. Listen up, precious ones, the enemy is a liar and his game is trickery. Don't be a product of his foolery. If it doesn't line up with God's word DON'T listen to it. Temptation only has as much power as you give it. If you feed temptation it grows, but if you starve it it dies. You have to uproot the greed and insecurity of your life because if you leave the roots the plant is always going to grow back. Kill all of it and listen to God's will. Use God's word as your shield. Spit scriptures and don't let the enemy intimidate you into silence. Do NOT give up.

Romans 5:3-4 - "Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope."

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Truth Reigns

Truth Reigns

By: Elaina Grace Morgan
True riches ain't found in any daddy Warbucks.
They're found in our daddy up above.
Earthly things shall pass away,
but the truth will always...reign.
Never ceasing to break unwanted chains,
Shaking people to their core,
healing unwanted pain,
Leaving you thirsty for...more.
And no matter how hard lies try to work
To keep you your dirt, the shackles of your hurt
Light will always reveal what...lurks.
Yet darkness cannot hide...from the light
Or blind...those who are seeking to have clear sight
And it's the feeling many have pushed aside,
The feeling of what is wrong and what is...right.
Truth overcomes the lies that tell you you are...worthless,
Shows you what can come out of a sweet, innocent, little...kiss.
Sheds reality that your ecstasy came from...bliss.
Shines light on who really...missed you.

Friday, August 24, 2012

So Much More!

    My heart over the past couple of weeks has been to encourage my fellow believers in Jesus Christ with the following: First off, I want to tell you all that this is not about me, but about God who has been working through me. I had been feeling discouragement in where the direction of my life was headed. He had given me big dreams, but I had no idea where they were going. It seemed like a dead end, however my passion was obvious. Over the past week or so I had been praying that God would expand my influence so I could speak into many young ladies' lives and let me tell you, He answered that prayer and not because it was my timing, but it was HIS timing and not because they were in the way I had envisioned them, but in the way HE envisioned them. I am joyed to be able to tell you that He had answered them in an even bigger way than I had EVER dreamed.
    How does this apply to you, precious ones? I am not telling you to discourage you if you are in a dry season. I am here to encourage you to have FAITH. God did NOT put you on this earth to be ordinary, but EXTRAORDINARY and to be able to share in HIS glory. Do not envy anyone else's call because He is going to use you in the areas that you will be the most effective. BUT, you HAVE to take ACTION. It is dire. When He says move, MOVE. When He says stay put, STAY PUT.
When He says speak, SPEAK. When He says listen, LISTEN. Staying put, however, disregards staying put in your relationship with God. We are called to GROW and NEVER to be stagnant and I do NOT care what it takes for that to happen. Be WILLING and CONTINUALLY be in prayer about being humble.
    Most importantly, we must live by the HOLY SPIRIT. Let the Holy Spirit be your guide. Cover yourself in the blood of Jesus. Pray purity over your hearts, minds, emotions, words, and your desires. Pray that HIS will be done, not yours. When God moves pride can become a huge epidemic in your relationship with God and it will not be able to thrive in it. Be on WATCH. Beloved ones, I pray that you will be encouraged to stay in tune to the Holy Spirit and this will be the start of your COMPLETE deliverance.
2 Corinthians 6:6 ~ "We prove ourselves by our PURITY, our UNDERSTANDING, our PATIENCE, our KINDNESS, by the HOLY SPIRIT within US, and by our SINCERE LOVE."

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

You Hear Me

You Hear Me

By: Elaina Grace Morgan

You hear me, Lord.
You hear the sound of my heart beating to the rhythm of your love.
I want my footsteps to be in harmony with you.
You're the crescendo in my life.
I want to know you more, my Lord.

This is my heart's song.
I long for more.
I've got the background.
All eyes on you.
My duet is only with You, God.

Like a soprano
Your ways are higher than mine.
I live my life to glorify.
Reveal to me Your very being.
Take control.
Be the conductor of this symphony.

This is my heart's song.
I long for more.
I've got the background.
All eyes on you.
My duet is only with You, God.

You know what keys to sing.
You're the lead.
My heart's hymn is for the King.
This rhythm is only for You God.
This voice is only to praise You, God.

This is my heart's song.
I long for more.
I've got the background.
All eyes on you.
My duet is only with you, Oh God.

Daughters of Christ

Daughters of Christ

By: Elaina Grace Morgan

Ladies, if you wouldn't want your future daughters
Wearing low shirts, short skirts, skin tight, the works
Then don't wear them presently.
Better yet let's be dressing modestly
Because you're supposed to be.
Encouraging purity.

Daughters of Jesus,
 Being cautious
 Of what we wear,
Taking God's promise
Looking in His mirror.

 He looks at our hearts
Helps us dodge all of those flaming darts
Of insecurity,
All the dirty.
He'll quench all you thirsty.
For eternity.
You don't have to look like Barbie.
Or go to parties
Speaking malarkey to be liked.

Quit using your own psyche.
Clothe yourself with the mind of Christ, See
To it, you agree with it?
 Holy Spirit and you should be tightly knit.
Admit your sins
Fall on your knees in repentance.
You're the one choosing your own sentence.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Dead To Sin

Dead To Sin

By: Elaina Grace Morgan

Here's my story;
A heart so filled with worry.
Riding dirty every day 
Whether sunny or dreary,
Flickin' that middle finger up in a hurry.
Learning gas pedal to the metal
Never earned us a gold medal.
I was running backwards

Trippin' on my vico,
Doing psycho.
I never got caught by the po po.
Yet I felt so low
Only focusing on my dough 
And why those guys wanted to hurt me.
Little did I know;
God could make me worthy.
No, I ain't talkin' for them.
The man I'm talkin' about was Him.

But with Jesus faith is a must.
Faith like a mustard seed says the Bible I read,
'Cause before I was in the wrong race.
Back it up before I pop you.
Give me my space.
Clenchin' fists,
Throwin' hits till someone,
 Make me walk away.
After all these years
I got to the right place.
Finally in the running of a true race.

Watchin' for the boss and
When He's coming back.
Believin' He give me everythin'
I need and lack.
Havin' one foot in
Will just keep me stumblin' back.
Then He'd rather have me just step back.
Not 'cause He doesn't want me.
You see it's if I want Him.
He wants me getting brighter, not growin' dim.
Advancin' the kingdom by sharin' Him.
But I ain't here to try to persuade you
Or to try and sway you away with whim.

No, this is serious.
God brought me joy,
'Cause I found His
Love so intoxicatin'
And now you find me lovin' the ones who hurt me,
Yeah, the ones who are hatin'.
I'm just statin',
I ain't baitin'.

But nothing's gonna shut me up from speakin' the truth.
'Cause I used to be datin' sin.
Now I'm waitin' like Ruth.
I'm gonna show Him
I'm a Proverbs 31 woman 
And I ain't foolin' with this sin.
That's 'cause Christ died on the cross for all of them.
I'll continue livin' right,
Walkin' by faith and not by sight
Till I die.
Like I said it was for my sins that He died.
Now He lives again and I glorify.
I ain't livin' high on those pills
All 'cause after Christ I found what was real.

Crucify My Flesh

Crucify My Flesh

By: Elaina Grace Morgan

MmMm, I don't play games.
I live for Christ unashamed.
He blessed me with discernment.
There's no foolin 'round with this chick.
All or nothing?
My all is the call.
So why would I trade Him in for the world,
trade a pearl in for a meal?

And what's the deal with all these people
Going around calling themselves Christians
Only 'cause they hide under a steeple?
That will just make them weaker,
Living in pride.
That's why I stick with learning to be meeker,
Crucify my flesh.
Going hard for Christ and no less.
Modest in my dress and representing purity.
After all wasn't that who Christ was supposed to be?

Well I'll tell you He always was, will, and will be.
But the lukewarm who call themselves Christians make it look like hypocrisy.
In fact they're not Christians at all.
They playing a game, baseball.
Their relationships are creepin from first base all the way to home plate.
When the Word says home plate is to be sanctified.
Saved for marriage,
But we've got girls calling themselves Christians.
They spillin over their cleavage
Instead of spilling out the Holy Spirit.
But that's why I'm in it

I've never been gratified from the lies of the enemy.
That's why I keep choosing to look to Christ for who I'm supposed to be.
I don't do the stuff I did before, look at pornography.
'Cause I'm no longer bonded in my sin.
I've been set free.
And my passion is to help these young ones along,
To teach them what God's word says is right and what's wrong.
I'm not in it for the glory
And if you've heard the story,
My God is greater than your idols.
They just inventory.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

My Jesus

My Jesus

By: Elaina Grace Morgan

People ask me if I've ever been in love,
I tell them I'm in love with a man who bears scars on His hands.
I tell them that the life He lived was anything but bland
He healed the sick,
Always knew when the Pharisees tried to trick Him.

He used discretion, redirected them with questions.
He gave sight to the blind,
Turned water into wine.
I imagine His eyes shined with grace.
His face glowed with love to those who were the lowest,
Those who were at their weakest
And yet He still managed to be the meekest of them all
Calling the least of these.

He makes me weak at the knees.
And it's impossible for me not to fall on my knees in prayer.
Because I want to see Him in me when I look into the mirror.
He's always been true to me encouraging purity.
Spoke against promiscuity to encourage me to be holy.
In Him I find security.
No man will ever love me as much as He.

He tells me that I am worth so much, so precious
He sweeps my hair behind my ear and
Touches my heart with kindness.
He called me His beloved,
the example of true love.
Broke all the lies saying that I was unloved.
Love advantageous
All from a man named Jesus.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Made To Be Courageous!

Made To Be Courageous

By: Elaina Grace Morgan

I chose to lose selfish and do selfless
Because that's the only way I'm livin like .
I've been strivin to be righteous though I know I fall short.
Being courageous is contagious and He's my escort.
'Cause without Him I'd be a victim of my own sin.
Yet He changed me and now I speak of what He did.

I told them without Him I'd be living dead.
They crinkled their noses and just shook their heads.
But listen up as I explain my sustainer,
He heals our pain and bleaches the stain of us sinners.
He's had my back, the only one who can cover black with red
All because He rose from the dead to make us white and pure.

He told me to fight the good fight, taught me to endure.
He said if I persevere I would produce character.
Preached against unforgiveness that had only made me bitter.
He taught me how to love right,
 To shine His light so bright.
He gave me hope when I thought all hope was lost
And all because He, blameless, paid the cost.

I tell you it should have been me on that cross.
But what a failure I would have been.
Yet He still came to a sinful earth in the form of a man
To save all humanity.
You may be thinking what I'm preaching is insanity.
But I tell you right now what would you do if you were in my shoes,
Changed and made completely new?

Well let me tell you to me it doesn't matter.
Because it's not men whom I've come to flatter.
I've come to you tell the truth,
Show you that I am living proof
Of a life that has been completely changed,
Rearranged to glorify Him.

I've come to breathe a warning
That sin leads to death, no breath.
Crowds in an uproar to crucify,
Little did they know it was for them that He would die.
It was in Him that they'd be free.
And little did they know that Pilate's decree
Would end up bringing Him glory.

So why should I stay silent when you're all mocking me and saying God is a tyrant,
When you don't even know Him?
You think your "dim" is right because that's all you've ever known.
You think staying right where you are is alright because you've never grown.
Let me tell you I've been on both ends
And there is no way I'm ever living without Him again.
So mock me if you must
That's alright because I'm living free from disgust
of my former lustful life.
Living pure and holy and solely for my savior, Christ.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

New Creation

New Creation

By: Elaina Grace Morgan

They'd call me little miss goody two shoes.
Little did they know I was wearing two shoes
Pulling me in separate directions,
One, the way of correction, protection
The other a way of defection.

When did the ways of the fool ever become cool?
When did this get to me, a duet consisting of sin and me?
I ignored the debt that was paid for me.
I let them push me, peer pressured and they used me.
Those ways never pleased me, appeased me, freed me.

Those were the ways of the men that chained me up.
They always gave me an empty cup,
Never fulfilled my thirst.
I was cursed.
Yet in His grace I had been immersed.
Through Him I have found freedom
By what I have become in Him.

I am saved by grace,
The old has been replaced
Through faith.
I am a new creation.
He has lifted my burden.
He has ended this famine.
He has given me joy to spread to all nations.
Through only Him I am a new creation.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Silky Smooth

Silky Smooth

By: Elaina Grace Morgan

I used to think having a job close to full time,
a car that I paid in full, listening to those hard rhymes,
& living without my parents at eighteen
made me all that I was supposed to be.
Little miss independent wasn't who she was supposed to be.
Then I started relying on God and in Him I had found my purpose.
He was the right compass, direction,
The protection provided to keep me from hurt,
From all that dirt that made me feel like I was worthless.
The story is I was fed all these lies from all these guys
telling me I was a loser, emotional abusers.
But hey, they were cute
and their smooth words absurd as they were
didn't bring me any closer to kicking them to the curb.
I knew those words were slurred with deception,
But I had a fear of their rejection and
I yearned for their affection.
The only way I learned to keep them was by seduction.
They were my security, a part of me.
My vision for success
was clad in a silky smooth immodest dress.
It was a plan that I ran and controlled.
It only ended up being a deadly hold on me.
This was not who I wanted to be.
That may have been success from a worldly view.
Then said, "I'm the only one who can make you new."
Reminded me I wouldn't be content in that and
I hadn't been in matter of fact.
I lacked the only thing I need.
No good deed would suffice until I turned my life around and gave it to Jesus Christ.
In Him I was made right and found all that I was looking for.
That very day was like I was walking through a brand new, unopened door.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Covered By The Blood

Covered By The Blood

By: Elaina Grace Morgan

Pitter patter of the rain on my window
Reminding me of the weight lifted off of my shoulders,
He is the holder of my heart.
How Great Thou Art.
The sound of the rain
Reminding me of the heart He made whole,
That very hole in this heart once void,
That very heart that was once destroyed,
toyed, and messed with.
He was the one who did best with it.
As I sit here under this window pane
Reminding me of the pain I felt and
dealt with I'm overjoyed with knowing
I've been covered by the Blood of the Lamb.
No longer damned to the outside world
or that very corner I had once sat,
 Curled up.
He forgave my mess ups.
I will worship that
I've been covered by the Blood of the Lamb.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Time To Get Real Ya'll Part 2

    Do you know what depression feels like? If you do you know it's far from a good feeling. It feels like you've been sitting in a dark room for months with no spark of light to shed on the obscurity of your emotions. At least that's exactly how it made me feel. Depression entered into my life the year I found out I was going to go to a new school for sixth grade. I dreaded going back to school that year and when I did all of my fear was affirmed. I was made fun of a lot by this little boy just because I was new and that's when not only depression set in, but insecurity as well. I went through that year overwhelmed by the arduous school work and mean children making fun of me and bragging about their rich parents and big homes. What had bothered me the most then about these kids were that they weren't even being punished. The little boy was handed candy when he went to the principles office because of it.

    I eventually learned to cope with it and when I went back to school the next year that little boy ended up liking me. For a short time that had helped my insecurities, but the depression still remained. I didn't see the worth that God saw in me and I consequently looked to a relationship to fill it. Deep down I knew this relationship would fail, but it brought me temporary happiness so I would constantly be battling against myself about these which only watered and fed the depression. When it did end up failing I hit rock bottom. I turned to pills and often found myself popping five vico at a time in my cold, dark room hidden in the basement accompanied by all kinds of depressing music. I would constantly wish that I would die and I definitely tested my limits with it. I was walking on the edge taking excessive amounts of ibuprofen to ease the pain when vico and muscle relaxers ran out and I didn't care. As I got older the depression got worse and I grew numb to all that was around me.

    Later on in my life one negative thing after another kept throwing itself at me. I wasn't on good terms with my family. I wasn't living at home. I had no friends to talk to and once again I was in a relationship that was not of God's will. I continued to numb myself from everything and anything so that I didn't have to feel the pain of it all. My depression and stress got so bad that it gave me shingles at such a young age and yet again I was back into popping pills so that I didn't have to think about it all. When the relationship that I had been in at the time failed as expected that depression put me into an even deeper fog and again I let a bad influence into my life which bred into another relationship where they were manipulating, discouraging, and lying to me. That was the relationship I had talked about in Part One of this post. The day after he kicked me out I was supposed to hang out with my girl friend that I had made plans with a week previously.

    I called her to ask if I could stay the weekend until I could figure things out, but I didn't tell her what was going on. When I arrived at her house after work that day she said that I could stay as long as I like. She was living with her parents who have known me my whole life. It was there that I was encouraged back to following God and it was there that I began to take small steps. I got to a place where I was able to move back with my parents and my family's relationship with one another had began to heal. After a few more "snags" in my life and after softening my heart once again I had decided to give my all to God all over again. Since then he has delivered me from that depression. Before I was living in a fog unaware of the true devastation of the events in my life. I was hopeless and had no desire to dream, but since then I have found my hope in HIM. He enabled me to dream again by using someone to encourage me in doing just that. I have found joy! The chains of depression were broken and I was set free! <3

Monday, July 23, 2012

Proverbs 16:18

Proverbs 16:18

By: Elaina Morgan

Enemies will never quit it, get it.
They let themselves be blinded by those lies, 
Ruined by their pride.
But they have nothing good to offer.
Just let your answer grow a little bit softer.
Their only focus is on how to make you "better."
Try to cover who you are like a heavy sweater.
They know of no such thing as a true love letter.
They say they only want the best for you.
But they only want what they think's due.
Those aren't the models you want to be looking up to.

They puff it up.
Puff you up.
Take you down.
Like a city rundown.
Kind of like Motown, they represent the D.
But they're only representin the bad seeds, 
No, not me.
They're lackin good deeds.
Goal's to try to make you bitter 
Coating every ugly thing in glitter.
They stalkin every single move you're making on your Twitter.
I'll give them one thing.
They ain't quitters.

They think they able
Layin everythin on the table.
They think they tough,
Arrested in cuffs, 
They quick to lie, homicide.
Won't get caught. 
Or so they thought.
Think listening to us will make them weak.
They goin 'round week by week.

It's the same ol thing. 
They wanna drink.
They wanna shed blood.
Tell em about the one who shed His blood.
Wasn't for a lost cause.
Wasn't ours.
Yet He gave it so willingly.
I hope I'm makin sense lyrically.
Stop the stupidity
Start goin prodigiously.
Always sayin go big or go home.
Well where's your home?
I hope you know.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Love Changes Everything

Love Changes Everything

By: Elaina Grace Morgan

We're too consumed with judging other people's sin
When we need to remember we were once there with them.
No judgement changed us, sustained us.
It only shortchanged us
But then we go and do that to one another like we forgot what it felt like.
We start showing dislike.
By that they're only a confirmation of their condemnation,
An abomination.

No, what does God's word say?
Because of His love the price was already paid.
So stop delaying what God already said.
Stop weighing all of the fabric of their sin
'Cause they won't realize that they'll win 
If they turn from it accepting Him.
It was His love that changed us,
You know Jesus?

His love turned things around.
Thorns as a crown,
Beaten to the ground
He did it willingly.
On such a ghastly day
We killed Him in such a nasty way.
But just as he promised He rose in three days
In such a glorious way.
Now how are they going to see their life changed
In a way that glorifies His name
If all we do is shoot a lofty glance,
Cast a look off like they don't even deserve a chance.

Well let me tell you,
 None of us do.
Yet He still made all of us brand new.
So why do you treat them like they're any different,
And so blatant?
The problem isn't with them.
It's with us.
Start showing love and stop throwing people under the bus

Because it's love that changed everything,
 If anything
And it's not our job to be disparaging.
'Cause that only breaks the church up
So instead start building one another up,
Lifting one another up in prayer.
And start showing people that you really, truly care.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Time To Get Real Y'all

    It's time to get real. I'm cool if anyone wants to judge me after they read this because I am secure in Christ and I rest my head in what I know God says about me. No one's perfect and I accept that I am far from it, but I know I'd be even further from it without Christ. I am just SO taken by His love and all that He has brought me out of that I have to share with you what He has done in my life. I was talking to someone a few months ago. This person doesn't know Christ, but we had been talking about the Christmas party that we had and they had mentioned that I seemed like I was high there. I was so shocked at this because I hadn't been and I knew the reason why it seemed that way. I was so overcome by stress and depression that I had numbed myself to everything that was going on in my life because that whole year I had been hurt terribly by several people. In that I had lost myself. I was broken. It was like I was in a fog. I went through life not even feeling like I was living and to this very day I barely can remember any of it. That was because I wasn't living in God's plan for my life. I was far from it.

    You see I had been introduced to sexual sin in the fourth grade. I was so young that I didn't know what to do with it. I didn't know the depth of what God was saying when He said to refrain from ALL fornication before marriage. I was embarassed to ask my parents to clarify it and so I continued on that path. Did I mention I'm a pastor's kid? I didn't think that would go over very well. Anyways, I continued on that very path. I had struggled with it for so long that it had become an addiction. I was bound by it and I had once been delivered from it, but I fell back into it when I felt pressure and gave into it once more because of the people I had let speak into my life and because I felt that that was what love was. My view on love was so twisted then. At the time I had been going through other things that had put me in that place of depression. I had lost sight of God, but God did NOT lose sight of me. I remember a time where I felt so gone that I thought I wasn't even worthy enough to pray to the God I believe in.

    I had fell in deeper as time went on. I was stuck in a position with no where to live that ended up leading me to live with my boyfriend at the time. I knew it was wrong, but living with him seemed better than living on the streets. In the way I was focusing on it being better than living on the streets it was, but in the spiritual aspect there was nothing better about it. I felt stuck and I didn't know how to get out of this situation. I ended up deciding to give talking to God a try and I found myself always praying the same, short prayer in the shower when I had a chance to be alone, "God, I don't know how to get out of this. Help." I felt abandoned by all and I had nothing left to give. Now this didn't go away just like that. My boyfriend at the time ended up kicking me out the day after he told me he loved me for the first time so that he could be with another woman. It hurt me A LOT, but I didn't fight it because I knew this was what I was asking for. Deliverance from all the sexual sin I had been in wasn't an easy journey. It took work. It took encouragement which I'd often have to do for myself because I was often condemned for my struggles. No one wanted to listen. They just wanted it to stop, but like I said, it wasn't easy. After 10 years of struggling I was set free. God had delivered me from the place I was in and the process sure did hurt, but the healing and hope that I felt once again was WELL WORTH IT. I decided to share this with you because I want you to be encouraged. He saved someone like me and He can do the same for you. I believe in God because without Him I'd be in the same place that I once was: hopeless, depressed, bound by my lust, bound by pill popping, and suicidal. If you're struggling don't be ashamed to seek help from someone you trust. Remember that anything is possible in God and TO HIM BE THE GLORY.

Take Captive

    Sometimes we get so caught up in our emotions that we let them control us. We let them be the deciding factor for what we say and believe about ourselves. That's pretty dangerous! Our feelings often lie to us and when we aren't conscious to the fact that they do that then we start believing those lies. I'm sure every single one of you have felt at some point that nobody loves you, cares, or is there for you. I sure have felt that way several times in my life, but then we start to dwell on those lies and then they become a reality for us. As Christians we need to identify these false declarations that we let into our hearts and minds and remember what God's word says. 2 Corinthians 10:5 states, "We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ," and that verse not only goes for what you're speaking into your life, but it also goes for what others speak into your life.

    Other people's opinions of you do not define who you are. When someone says something that cuts you deep take it to God and ask Him what He thinks about you. Remind yourself that YOU are a child of the Most High and that He cares for you. He hurts when you're hurting. He grieves when you grieve. He created YOU and He loves YOU. Remind yourself of the truth that has been written in His book. He said for us to take every thought captive. He didn't say only the ones that  hurt a lot or only the ones that people would give you a crazy look if they ever found out what was going through your head. We all go through this and we often beat ourselves up or start believing the enemies lies. Here's a reminder for you: they're called lies for a reason! They aren't the truth! Praise God. Anything that does not line up with His Word is not from Him. If you look up to someone because they're in an authoritative position but they're not speaking life into you then take captive your thoughts and look to the one who DOES give life! Be encouraged.

    It's so very important to cheer ourselves on just as much as we're supposed to cheer each other on. We're brothers and sisters in Christ and we should be lifting one another up instead of tearing one another down. Do not let your lone focus be on someone else to help you with what you're going through because only God can truly change someone from the inside out. People will fail you, but take control and don't fail yourself by not seeking help. Get an accountability partner, but let your main focus be on the Lord. Don't beat yourself up and tell yourself you'll never be free if you're struggling with sin. Hide His word in your heart so that you can recognize when lies come creeping up on you. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says, "No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is FAITHFUL, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it." Start believing in yourself. You can do it and you can be free by the power of the Holy Spirit. You say you believe in God, but I wonder do you trust Him?

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Against the Crowd

Against the Crowd

By: Elaina Morgan

People, you all make me laugh.
Always swimming with the current when the current won't last.
They're always going to change direction,
going to change what they think is perfection.
Nope, not me.
I'm never going to live to make other people happy.
I don't want to lose control.
I don't want to lose grip over my soul,
'Cause what's the meaning of gaining the world
and losing your soul
If you only end up feeling broken instead of feeling whole,
If you only end up feeling empty instead of feeling full.
Go against the crowd,
Even when it seems like they're yelling too loud,
Cover your ears until you make it there.
Don't let them pull you down when you're climbing,
don't let them interrupt your timing.
Instead be that one to reach even higher.
Perseverance's dire.
Always say what you mean and mean what you say.
Make your ways different than you would any other day.
Be someone caring, loving, considerate, and kind.
Don't play mind games or waste any time.
Prove yourself.
Don't lose yourself in yourself.
Be selfless, not selfish. That's my wish.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

God Sent

God Sent

By: Elaina Grace Morgan

I lost myself last year
because I really didn't care.
Tried to find myself,
But is it really there?
If I find her I'm not sure if I'll define her.

She was so loving, and caring, and pure.
She was so precious and giving,
 I'm sure.
She may have been beautiful,
But it's all become a little new to her.

She got lost by the incogonito.
Turned out to be all deceit though.
 Love is true.
It doesn't manipulate.
Guess it's not you
If you didn't know how to participate.

Knowing how to truly love
Only comes from knowing what's above.
It doesn't always mean finding love
here on earth
Because here it might have been birthed,
But without Him it is absent.
Love only comes from a God sent.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Taking A Stand

    Just recently I have had someone be extremely brutal towards me and for no apparent reason. Without mentioning any names I have to say that when someone treats me so heartlessly I am a little bit more understanding if there is a reason behind their knavery. People often mistreat others not because of something you did, but because of something someone previously did to that person. You don't deserve to be treated that way, yet they do it out of illogical reasoning that you may be just like the person who hurt them before. It may be their way of pushing people away, it may be because they never learned that they should treat others the way they want to be treated, or it may be that they don't care about another's feelings and they their pride get in the way. One thing my parents taught me was that hurting people hurt people.

    I most likely have been there as well and I think that is why I am more tolerable when someone hurts me deeply. It may seem like I am writing this out of spite and a need for empathy, but I encourage you to hang on to see where this is going. So many people have hurt me in the past. It is inevitable in life, but there's one person who has probably cut me the deepest and not once, but time and time again. I would call myself naive for putting myself in a position where it would happen again and I'm sure anyone would think the same. In fact this past time this person hurt me made me furious for about a day and then I was "peachy" after that because I had learned the secrets of preventing bitterness in my heart years ago. My life philosophy has always been to never let someone else be the reason that you fall. In other words, don't let someone else's actions keep you from being all that you can be.

    If you let the pain manifest in your heart it produces bitterness in due time causing walls of separation between you and God. You start to build up walls between other people as well and begin to isolate yourself from good influences because you are afraid of the bad. In turn you become malnourished instead of becoming someone who lives a healthy life and has a healthy spirit. Some other negative results would be depression and anxiety. They all are able to go hand in hand and the more that they do the heavier stronghold is on your life. This is where discernment comes in. It is dire to make sure the influences in your life lead you toward the path you want to go in. Bad influences will drag you down and pull you under just to see you fall. They are incognito persuading you that what they hold is what is good for you. The apple looks good, but really it's poison inside. Now when someone hurts you whether they are a good influence or a bad one we are to mold ourselves to follow the familiar acronym: WWJD? 

    In Luke 6:29 it says, "If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic." I've been thinking about this scripture a lot lately so that I can understand the depth of what it means. I'll start out by telling you what it does NOT mean. It does NOT mean that you should let someone abuse you. It does NOT mean that you should let someone walk all over you. It does NOT mean that you shouldn't defend yourself. It does mean to confront someone in a pure manner asking for clarification. We should not seek revenge and believe me I know how hard it is when someone continually stabs you because I admit my initial reaction was to give it back to them as brutally as they have to me, but what good would that do? If it did anything it would only make matters worse. We need to keep in mind Romans 12:19 which states, "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord." We are to let go and let God.

    The true meaning of Luke 6:29 is that IF we were the ones to be wrong we should go out of our way to make things right. It doesn't mean that we should keep letting someone bully us around in the case where they have already wronged us. We are God's children. We are not weak, but we are strong in His power so that we may overcome. God loves His children and we should treat one another with kindness and humility never letting pride rule our lives. As this post comes to a close I encourage anyone who is in the grasp of someone who is hurting them physically or emotionally to get out as soon as possible and to never let manipulation bring you back to them. In turn pray for them. You can love from afar without getting hurt. Offer them unto God and forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Your Questions Answered

    I had a lovely discussion with some fellow people the other day and I would love to answer some questions that they had. I didn't choose to write this post because I want to prove them wrong just for the sake of proving myself right. I want to write about it because I believe many people don't understand some of these topics Christian or non-Christian. Now that I have been meditating on it for a few days so that I may attain organized thoughts I would love to share with you what is on my heart not to hurt people, but to help people. I want to help them understand a little better and I as long as I am not hurting anybody I believe that it is okay to talk about. Many of these people had extremely valid questions whether or not they were doing it with respect and love or with disrespect and hatred. As I go into the subjects that I remember most I would suggest if you are going to read this any further and you are not a Christian to respect this post and have an open ear whether or not you'll agree with me.

    One question that was posed was "Is the force that designed creation defined by love?" If you love someone wouldn't you spend time with them? God took the time to create us. He loves us so much that He knows us by name. Not only does He know us by name, but He knows the very number of hairs that we have on our heads. (Oh, look three hairs fell out in the shower. That makes 1,212,340 hairs on Jimmy!) Haha, sorry. I could not resist. If someone is going to quote scripture as proof then Luke 12:7 says, "But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of value than many sparrows." If someone takes the time to know you that well there is no way you would doubt that they cared about you. The reason for me saying "if someone is going to quote scripture as proof" was because if anyone is going to quote something and use it against itself then it must be taken into context, i.e. the text, circumstances, and setting surrounding it. I have seen a particular scripture verse taken out of context recently and several times before that.

    That scripture verse is Deuteronomy 22:20-21 which says, "But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel: Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father's house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you." One, this book is located in the Old Testament. This was the law written before God sent Jesus to this world. Back before God sent His Son, He had the high priest who was appointed by God sacrifice a clean lamb on behalf of the sins of the people so that they would be forgiven. Some Christians may disagree with me on this next part and that doesn't mean they are going to hell because of it just like I believe God won't send you to hell for getting piercings. If we put our faith in Him and live for Him I believe that we will be saved. Yes, we'll make mistakes and that's why we humble ourselves to ask for forgiveness. I'm going to bring you back to a familliar verse that many have heard and most people can quote.

    John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." I hear all the time in church that God sent His Son to dies for our sins, but no where in this verse do I see this. Back when they lived by the law human sacrifice was considered sin. By logic if God cannot sin then this was not His purpose. I believe He sent His Son as an example of righteousness so that we can try to attain that and so that we are able to reestablish a close relationship with God as that sets us aside from impurity. The sacrifice that took place was God sending His Son to earth. God didn't murder His Son. We did which magnifies God's love even more so that He would keep on loving us after we crucified His one and only Son. I hope that I clarified that last point to your understanding. Another question that was brought up was "Why does God seem absent in events like the Holocaust? Does all of this constitute a "lesson of love"?" The answer to the last question is a simple no. When sin was brought into the earth the devil had a plan and the blueprints in that plan are to steal, kill, and destroy . In no way was God the doer of such evil things and in no way was He absent. Could God have stopped what was happening to His people? Yes. I say "His people" because there are several verses in the Bible that mention Israel as God's nation. I do not dare make wild claims that I know why God did not strike Hitler dead in those days because anyone truthfully cannot make those claims just as someone cannot claim that God was absent during those times for they were not there. They were not with every person who walked through this journey as well. One's experience is going to be different from another's experience and therefore one person could have been delivered from Hitler's hands and another one murdered.

    I do know, however, that God's plans are greater than the plans the devil has set before us. Perhaps it was the devil's attempt at putting an end to God's people. Perhaps it was the devil's attempt at causing several people to lose faith which I am sure some did. Everything comes down to faith in those situations. It is almost as the faith that one must attain in believing the Big Bang Theory when they say it started off with molecules. Where did those molecules come from? Fact is something cannot come from nothing. I also have received the question, "Didn't God create sin?" When God created us He gave us the gift of free will or of choice which is another example of love. He will not force anyone to follow Him if they are not willing for if they are not willing or submitting then they do not love God. This is why the fallen angel, Lucifer, created sin when trying to overpower God after manipulating some of the other angels along with Him to do just that. As a result they were thrown into Hades. God knew it would happen. He could have changed their minds and controlled them, but if God controlled our every action then we would not be allowed free will, would we? When the devil came in the form of a serpent he convinced Eve that the one tree in the garden that both her and Adam were not to eat of was good. The devil changed her perception and she told Adam whose perception was then also changed. When they both took bite of whatever produce was on that tree God would not allow them back into the Garden of Eden. Again God gave Adam and Eve a choice. We were made for so many great purposes and one of them being so that we may exalt His name and have eternal life. These purposes come with God revealing them to us as we walk in faith.

    Now if I may get a little more personal in this next part then please bear with me. I have had a very long, hard season in my teenage years. I have walked, crawled, and sat through a lot of pain and brokenness and more than I often lead on. Many of you I can guarantee would be surprised at what I have been through. All of the times I walked away from God through everything that I was going through not once did things get better. The times that I did walk with God were the times that I have experienced an overwhelming amount of peace in my life not because the things in my life were ceased, but because God carried me through the times I couldn't walk any longer and held my hand in the times that I could so that I could be made stronger through it all. There are many things I have endured in my lifetime that I don't know the "why." In life no matter what race, religion, or background not knowing every "why" is inevitable. Some would argue that the peace that I felt through these times were because of molecules working together. Say if that were true then why does it happen in the instances where I am walking on God's path and not in the instances where I am not? If that were true then God being all powerful could be the cause of those molecules working together in that way. No one, however, can argue my experience for they were not in my shoes which brings me to my conclusion.

    I hear many of these people speak positively of peace and love yet I hear things like "burn churches" which absolutely appalls me. No argument that that would show love and bring peace would win. Granted there are some churches that are not right and do not live or preach the Word of God. Instead they preach their view rather than the view of the Holy Bible. This is a very sad thing to hear, yet no Christian acting under God's annointing would burn down those churches or even a place that doesn't worship the God who sent Jesus to this earth because it is wrong. On the other hand there are some very good churches out there that praise God and preach the Bible. They are the ones that are helping out communities and making good differences. Any one can do this. There are many people who give to charities and do positive things, but one can do this without following God. Someone absent of helping and loving others cannot do this following God because faith without works is dead as it says in James 2:14-26. Churches benefit others more than hurt them. Going back to the change that took place in my life when God was present I have to say would be that I have been able to love people who have hurt me and they have hurt me more than you can know. I would not be able to have a love even close to that after everything that has happened in my life if it wasn't for the change that took place when I came back to God. There was even an apparent change in my countenance.

    It wasn't even one instance where I have walked away from God which shows my lack of faith that I had at the time, but everytime I turned around I know that God was standing right behind me with open arms ready to forgive me for everything that I have done even though I thought I was running away from God and that I was so far from Him. I will open up a little with you and tell you of a time I was bound in deep depression. I tell you this because I have nothing to lose. This happened a few years ago and you already know we all make mistakes and that God forgives us. Anyways, I was bound in a dark place of depression and I had no ounce of hope left in my weary body. I was overwhelmed by this depression so much so that my thinking was as cloudy as a stormy day. I locked myself in my room with a bottle of Vicodin. I was determined to take every last pill that was in that bottle and nothing could stop me. I started with one, two, three and found myself to five. I was severly high that night. My eyes were rolling back and my body just wanted to shut down whether it was going to sleep or dying that night. I woke up the next morning with pain in my organs which would be expected with that much toxicity in my 116 pound frame at the time. After two more days of the same pain I curled up with my laptop at three in the morning deciding to google how much vicodin would cause you to die. At the time I had read that six is enough to kill you. Many would speculate, but I believe God allowed me to live that night and no matter how you look at it God's hand is evident whether He allowed me to live if dying were the case or just the fact that He has delivered me from such a dark place that I would have never been able to get out of on my own.

    That is one of my many stories of what I have been through. If God brought me out of such a deep place of darkness then I will never lose faith. Sure, I have some valid "whys," but my faith is in Him whether or not He chooses to answer them. Also if God answered every "why" we had then we'd be all knowing and if there was no sin there would be no reason for a savior. Therefore if that was the case we would not need God. If anyone has questions that they want answered with the intention of interest and a listening ear and not a bombardment of arguments then feel free to comment below. If you wish to ask them anonymously then feel free to e-mail me at:

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Just wrote this poem about a month ago. I like to express myself through poetry so I thought I'd share some more recent ones with you all.


By: Elaina Grace Morgan
I’m loyal, but I'm so sick of my heart being foiled,
From all the plans that you've coiled,
That's why I have left before my heart becomes the victim of theft.
This hurt can only wash out as easily as the dirt in your mouth.
My heart screams and shouts, no doubt.
You don’t care.
You’re blinded from everyone around you.
You’re too busy looking in the mirror.
You scheme to take every breath I drew.
Maybe take a stab at my heart or two.
The only person you care about is yourself, your health, your wealth.
Now I know the reason for your stealth.
I’m done with those lies.
I have no need to ask why
Because no reason’s sufficient
For why your love’s deficient of what anybody needs,
These lies keep growing like weeds.
Indeed, I should be done with you.
Who cares if I love you?
I deserve someone who loves me
And the only way to be free from you is to leave you be.