Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Reason for Every Season

    When a baby wants his mother's milk he cries and cries until he gets it. Humankind is impatient. We were all born into a sinful world so until someone taught us the art of being patient or until we ended up learning for ourselves down the road it was our nature. I assume that you're all Christians, but if you're not don't stop reading - this could apply to you too!

    If you are a Christian you were made BRAND NEW. You have made a commitment to die to your flesh daily and let the Holy Spirit take control of your thoughts, desires, words, and actions. You then are choosing to live in GOD' S will for your life. Then comes the question that we're all impatient in waiting for the answer: what is my purpose? Maybe for you that question looks like: what should I go to school for, who should I marry, what job should I take, OR maybe God's revealed something to you and you're trying to make it happen in your own timing. Let me tell you that it won't work.

(Left to right: Erika, dad, Evan, mom, Elyse, and me (Elaina lol))
    I think I was four or five the one Christmas where my mum told me I got less presents than all my other siblings. My lower lip started quivering and I ended up crying these big "crocodile tears". I didn't wait for her to tell me that it was because one of my presents was more expensive than any one of my other siblings' and that's why I had fewer presents than them. So as the other kids opened up the rest of their presents I waited for my last one while I sat on my daddy's lap crying. Then it came the time when I got to open up my last one. I waited in sour anticipation as they were bringing it up from the basement because I was hurt my mum told me earlier that I had to wait. My dad brought it into the eighties decor family room. It was a big present! I opened it with excitement and it ended up being the dollhouse I REALLY wanted. 

    The point of that story was that we already know that God has a great and fulfilling purpose in store for us. There are times where sometimes we have to step out in faith but when we are waiting for His answer we're often not patient (that includes having a good attitude) and then when we do have the answer we try to make it happen instead of learning the lesson He meant for us to learn on this journey: to trust in HIM and HIS timing and HIS way of doing things. We need to realize that some seasons are for planting, some are for growing, and some are for reaping the harvest. Don't try to rush to the season you want; you might miss a very important step.

    So when it seems like all of your friends, family, or even your enemies are ahead of you in life remember trust in God. (Read Ecclesiastes 3)
that we're not in competition with them. We are to walk where God wants us to walk in anticipation of good things, wait patiently where God wants us to wait, and praise Him joyfully no matter where we are. You never know where He's going to take you or what He's doing in you. So your task is easy: sit back, relax, and

Ecclesiastes 3:1 - "For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest...."

Proverbs 3:5-6 - "Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in ALL you do, and He will show you which path to take."

Ecclesiastes 7:8 - "Finishing is better than starting. Patience is better than pride."

Romans 15:5 - "May God, who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other, as is fitting for followers of Christ Jesus."

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