Friday, January 13, 2012

Who Are You?

    Anything that is a part of your life is something that can define you in one way or another. Your family, friends, the music you listen to, the people you look up to, who you put your trust in - it can all define you in one way or another whether it defines your present, past, or future. Events in your life can give reason to why you think the way you do, are the way you are, and do the things you do. If you made a mistake in the past it can change the way you approach a similar situation in the present or future. Right? This is some pretty simple stuff, but perhaps seeing it written out can help you learn something you might have not realized before. Sometimes I can be thinking about something and somehow when I write it out everything makes a little more sense. When I write out what I believe it's easier to follow my thought process rather than to have it all scattered around somewhere in my brain.

    What I believe is something that defines me. I know the msitakes I've made. I know the problems I've faced. I know the things that hurt me. However, none of that defines who I am. What defines me, and you, is how we handle all that is thrown at us. I can regret and reminisce on all the mistakes I've made, but what good does that do? It only hurts to know what I've done and when I meditate on it day and night I am only putting myself down. My heart sinks, my thinking gets skewed, and I get depressed knowing that I can't change my past. It has taken me so long to get to where I am with thinking optimistically. It has yet to be mastered, but when an action is taken and repeated over time it becomes habit.

    Habits can be dangerous and I know I've developed negative ones in the past. It takes just as much work to break a habit than to make one so be careful when deciding which ones are worth it and which ones you can throw out your back window. Be wise. My point is very short and simple. Who do you want to be? We have the ability to change the direction of our lives at any given moment. When facing a life changing problem are you going to choose the easy route or the one you know is right even though you may be judged for it? What path are you going to take? Will you choose the path taken by your family and friends just because you feel pressured to? If that is the case then you aren't choosing your path. You are choosing someone else's path for your life. Don't let the voice of other people's opinions drown out the truth.

    Where your family and friends are going may not be a bad path, but you have to make sure you make it your own. Don't go somewhere because your parents tell you to or even because your friends are going there. Go because you know that is what God has for you. When you find who you are in Christ that is when His plans for your life will grow more evident. I'm not saying to disobey your mother and father and choose a rebellious path, but there are some things that you are able to choose as you get older. They can point you in the right direction, but you ultimately choose or they can point you in the wrong direction and again ultimately you are the one who is choosing the life you are going to live. With bad choices comes consequences and with good choices comes blessings, point blank.

    When you choose to follow God your identity will be found in Him. You won't need others to keep you happy and look at it this way: God never leaves you so you're identity will never be faltered. When you put your identity in people or things then it isn't your identity if you are someone different than you are without that person or thing. People leave and things break and wear out. When those things are gone what will you do? I've done this so much in my life and now I am making things right. I know who I am. I know who I am in God. I will not reach my fullest potential until I strive every day to fashion myself as a "little Christ." It takes constant prayer and strength to win the battle and all I can do is fight my hardest and trust in the only one who can be trusted.

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