Thursday, July 19, 2012

Love Changes Everything

Love Changes Everything

By: Elaina Grace Morgan

We're too consumed with judging other people's sin
When we need to remember we were once there with them.
No judgement changed us, sustained us.
It only shortchanged us
But then we go and do that to one another like we forgot what it felt like.
We start showing dislike.
By that they're only a confirmation of their condemnation,
An abomination.

No, what does God's word say?
Because of His love the price was already paid.
So stop delaying what God already said.
Stop weighing all of the fabric of their sin
'Cause they won't realize that they'll win 
If they turn from it accepting Him.
It was His love that changed us,
You know Jesus?

His love turned things around.
Thorns as a crown,
Beaten to the ground
He did it willingly.
On such a ghastly day
We killed Him in such a nasty way.
But just as he promised He rose in three days
In such a glorious way.
Now how are they going to see their life changed
In a way that glorifies His name
If all we do is shoot a lofty glance,
Cast a look off like they don't even deserve a chance.

Well let me tell you,
 None of us do.
Yet He still made all of us brand new.
So why do you treat them like they're any different,
And so blatant?
The problem isn't with them.
It's with us.
Start showing love and stop throwing people under the bus

Because it's love that changed everything,
 If anything
And it's not our job to be disparaging.
'Cause that only breaks the church up
So instead start building one another up,
Lifting one another up in prayer.
And start showing people that you really, truly care.

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