Friday, August 24, 2012

So Much More!

    My heart over the past couple of weeks has been to encourage my fellow believers in Jesus Christ with the following: First off, I want to tell you all that this is not about me, but about God who has been working through me. I had been feeling discouragement in where the direction of my life was headed. He had given me big dreams, but I had no idea where they were going. It seemed like a dead end, however my passion was obvious. Over the past week or so I had been praying that God would expand my influence so I could speak into many young ladies' lives and let me tell you, He answered that prayer and not because it was my timing, but it was HIS timing and not because they were in the way I had envisioned them, but in the way HE envisioned them. I am joyed to be able to tell you that He had answered them in an even bigger way than I had EVER dreamed.
    How does this apply to you, precious ones? I am not telling you to discourage you if you are in a dry season. I am here to encourage you to have FAITH. God did NOT put you on this earth to be ordinary, but EXTRAORDINARY and to be able to share in HIS glory. Do not envy anyone else's call because He is going to use you in the areas that you will be the most effective. BUT, you HAVE to take ACTION. It is dire. When He says move, MOVE. When He says stay put, STAY PUT.
When He says speak, SPEAK. When He says listen, LISTEN. Staying put, however, disregards staying put in your relationship with God. We are called to GROW and NEVER to be stagnant and I do NOT care what it takes for that to happen. Be WILLING and CONTINUALLY be in prayer about being humble.
    Most importantly, we must live by the HOLY SPIRIT. Let the Holy Spirit be your guide. Cover yourself in the blood of Jesus. Pray purity over your hearts, minds, emotions, words, and your desires. Pray that HIS will be done, not yours. When God moves pride can become a huge epidemic in your relationship with God and it will not be able to thrive in it. Be on WATCH. Beloved ones, I pray that you will be encouraged to stay in tune to the Holy Spirit and this will be the start of your COMPLETE deliverance.
2 Corinthians 6:6 ~ "We prove ourselves by our PURITY, our UNDERSTANDING, our PATIENCE, our KINDNESS, by the HOLY SPIRIT within US, and by our SINCERE LOVE."

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